Dali Lama // Top Trout Streamer
This is one of our favorite streamer flies for big trophy trout. It weighs slightly less than the Sculpzilla (another favorite at Red’s), which makes it easier to cast and it allows you to strip it slower especially in the shallow water. The articulated hook is in the back end of the fly which maximizes hook ups. The #6 is more popular on our local river, the #2 is extremely heavy fast sinking, great for deep water and swift pools.
The Dali Lama was originally tied as a fly that would hook both Dolly Varden and Steelhead while fishing rivers in the Pacific Northwest. Anglers wanting to pursue and catch above average size Rainbows, Browns, and Cutthroat have adopted this pattern as one of their go to flies. The Dali Lama is a top choice among our guides when we are “head hunting” and looking for a big trout. It is a great fly and the quality of this pattern is second to none. We have tried to tie these ourselves but it never seems to come out as “clean” as the ones we sell.
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